Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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BASIC Source File
142 lines
Option Explicit
' global constants, variables and functions used by project.
Global Const P_WIDTH = 32 ' Width (in pixels) of playing piece.
Global Const BOARD_DIM = 12 ' Number of playing squares on board.
' ScaleMode constants
Global Const TWIPS = 1
Global Const PIXELS = 3
' RGB color constants
Global Const BLUE = &HFF0000
Global Const RED = &HFF&
Global Const BLACK = &H0&
Global Const YELLOW = &HFFFF&
Global Const GREEN = &HFF00&
' Game States
Global Const GAME_OVER = 0
Global Const SELECT_PIECE = 1
Global Const MOVE_PIECE = 2
Global Const DEFENSE_MOVE = 3
' Maximum number of playing pieces per side.
Global Const MAX_PIECES = 15
' Which side?
Global Const NEITHER = -1
Global Const DEFENSE = 0
Global Const OFFENSE = 1
' Game Piece Types
Global Const INFANTRY = 1
Global Const CAVALRY = 2
Global Const ARTILLERY = 3
Global Const SPY = 5
Global Const FLAG = 6
' Strength Constants
Global Const NONE = 0
Global Const LOW = 1
Global Const MODERATE = 2
Global Const HIGH = 3
' Constants for 3D Borders
Global Const BORDER_INSET = 0
Global Const BORDER_RAISED = 1
' Data type that holds the state of a
' single playing piece.
Type tPiece
side As Integer
type As Integer
strength As Integer
row As Integer
col As Integer
ImageEl As Integer
End Type
' The current mouse location in board rows and columns
Global gMouseRow As Integer
Global gMouseCol As Integer
' Array of offensive pieces
Global gOffense(1 To MAX_PIECES) As tPiece
Global gLastOffense As Integer
' Array of defensive pieces
Global gDefense(1 To MAX_PIECES) As tPiece
Global gLastDefense As Integer
' Arrays with descriptions of different game properties
' stored as strings
Global gPieceName(1 To 6) As String
Global gStrengthName(0 To 3) As String
Global gSideName(0 To 1) As String
' The current game state
Global gGameState As Integer
' The currently selected game piece
Global gCurrentPiece As Integer
' Functions and constants used to play sounds.
Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "MMSystem" (ByVal lpsound As String, ByVal FLAG As Integer) As Integer
Global Const SND_SYNC = &H0 ' Return when sound ends (the default)
Global Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 ' Return as soon as sound starts
Sub Make3D (AForm As Form, ctl As Control, ByVal BorderStyle As Integer, ByVal BorderWidth As Integer)
' Wrap a 3D effect around a control on a form.
' Color Constants
Const DARK_GRAY = &H808080
Const BLACK = &H0
Dim AdjustX As Integer, AdjustY As Integer
Dim RightSide As Single
Dim BW As Integer
Dim LeftTopColor As Long, RightBottomColor As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim SaveMode As Integer
If Not ctl.Visible Then Exit Sub
SaveMode = AForm.ScaleMode
AForm.ScaleMode = TWIPS
AdjustX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
AdjustY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Select Case BorderStyle
Case 0: ' Inset
LeftTopColor = DARK_GRAY
RightBottomColor = WHITE
Case 1: ' Raised
LeftTopColor = WHITE
RightBottomColor = DARK_GRAY
End Select
' Set the top shading line.
For BW = 1 To BorderWidth
' Top
AForm.CurrentX = ctl.Left - (AdjustX * BW)
AForm.CurrentY = ctl.Top - (AdjustY * BW)
AForm.Line -(ctl.Left + ctl.Width + (AdjustX * (BW - 1)), ctl.Top - (AdjustY * BW)), LeftTopColor
' Right
AForm.Line -(ctl.Left + ctl.Width + (AdjustX * (BW - 1)), ctl.Top + ctl.Height + (AdjustY * (BW - 1))), RightBottomColor
' Bottom
AForm.Line -(ctl.Left - (AdjustX * BW), ctl.Top + ctl.Height + (AdjustY * (BW - 1))), RightBottomColor
' Left
AForm.Line -(ctl.Left - (AdjustX * BW), ctl.Top - (AdjustY * BW)), LeftTopColor
AForm.ScaleMode = SaveMode
End Sub